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Concord United Methodist Church is a local congregation within the West Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church.  We were originally established as part of 3 point charge in the Albion/Concord area.  First Methodist-Episcopal Church, as we were known at that time, built its first building on the present site in 1855.  As we continued to grow, we built what is now our Prayer Chapel after a fire burned the previous building in 1893.  Over time we've added on to accomodate growth.  Our most recent additions were an elevator in 1990 so that we could be welcoming to all persons, and our worship center which was completed in 2002.


As a United Methodist Church we see ourselves not as "the" church, but one part of the larger Church.  While we value our relationships with other congregations of the United Methodist Church and other denominations, we believe that the Wesleyan understanding of grace - prevenient, justifying and sanctifying make us an important voice in today's world understanding that God is active in all lives - even before they come to a relationship with God through Christ.  Our faith in Christ compels us to not only share the joy we find in Jesus Christ, but also to serve those in our world who need a helping hand.  This is evidenced in our support of the Open Door Free Store, Concord Service Project, and Work-Ship Sunday.  In addition to service, we value passionate worship. Our worship service is modern in styling with Praise Music, multimedia, and the occasional drama or monologue.   Discipleship is an important aspect of Concord UMC, and any church - training up our children and new additions to live a life shaped by faith so that the Gospel, or "Good News" may be carried forth to future generations.


Our goal is that in living out our faith together that we may form a Church family, for Church is a community and is about far more than gathering on Sunday mornings.  It is about gathering together to love, encourage, and support one another.  Concord United Methodist Church also seeks to be a place where intergenerational relationships are valued and nurtured as there are few places left that young persons can be mentored by and gain the wisdom of our older generations.  In addition we value families and children.  This is why we are working towards developing and implementing Abuse Prevention Policies to protect both our children, and the vulnerable adults among us.


We invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 am; for Sunday School at 9 am on Sundays, or for any other age-appropriate activities.  It is our prayer that we will see you soon!

Our Value Tree

Core Values Held by the People of Concord United Methodist Church


We value God’s love.

[Romans 8.38-39]

We value loving others.

[Romans 12.9-10]

We value generosity toward others.

[Deuteronomy 15.10-11]

We value all people and sharing our faith.

[Romans 1.5]

We value Kingdom Living with the Holy Spirit.

[Romans 14.17]

We value a healthy Church that uses its spiritual gifts.[Ephesians 4.16]

We value passionately pleasing God while serving others.

[Romans 14.18 and 1 Thessalonians 2.4]

We value a personal relationship with God: Father, Son, Spirit.

[Jeremiah 31.1 and 1 Timothy 4.7]

We value prayer.

[Philippians 4.6]

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